Come Monday

Jimmy Buffet passed away yesterday.

I don’t know anyone who didn’t like his music. The lyrics were simple and brilliant and man, it looks like he was having a grand old time just being alive.

The major hit is ‘Margaritaville’ and if you think about it for a minute I’m sure you can sing the entire song, word for word.

I’d never change it if it came on the radio, but like so many songs, I may have heard it too many times.

‘Cheeseburger in Paradise’ is another epic hit and has some great lyrics as well.

Yet my favorite Jimmy Buffet song is ‘Come Monday’.

I love that song! 

Have been singing it for years, and have never grown tired of it.

It’s one of those songs where as soon as I hear the opening note I think:

“I love this song!”

And Jimmy’s songs will be played for a long, long time. There are parrot heads in absolute mourning, and when news of his death broke there was a collective groan.

That’s a life well-lived, and you know what it all boiled down to?

He loved living.

Made it all look so easy.

“I spent four lonely days in a brown L.A. haze and I just want you back by my side.”


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