Poor Rudy

Back in 2001, Rudy Gulliani was on top of the world. As mayor of New York City he stood strong (so they say) and helped the people of New York get through the 9/11 tragedy.

I wasn’t a fan.

It wasn’t anything other than a feeling.

He was at the Yankees games - like every single game - in the front row.

I simply thought he was taking advantage of a tragedy to enrich himself. I could’ve been wrong.

Was just a feeling.

As it turns out, he has seriously embarrassed himself in the years since.

He told reprehensible lies about the election and more. He aligned himself with some truly loathsome characters and became a laughingstock when his hair dye ran down his face, when he farted on camera, when Borat got him to take his pants down on a stunt, and when he booked a landscaping business thinking he was going to the Four Seasons. He married and divorced a cousin.

And yesterday’s news cycle fed us stories about his money troubles.

He can’t pay his legal fees.

He’s lost his license to practice law.

The guy who he was working for didn’t pay him.

And now he’s indicted in Georgia and will most likely be indicted in D.C.

The Yankees have been struggling this season…

…but they’re having a WAY better year than Rudy!

And history won’t be kind to America’s Mayor.

I’m so fascinated by stories such as his.

We all carry around pockets of seeds of our own self-destruction.

He built a life with a hammer in one hand, and he burned it to the ground with the matches in his other hand.

In 22 years time, he went from front row at the World Series, to making a trip to Mar-A-Lardo, hat in hand, begging for money.

He won’t get a nickel from that guy.

A man could win a bet by wagering that Rudy will end up bankrupt and in a prison cell.

Burned it to the ground.

Does anyone care?


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