And Now…the News

I miss Paul Harvey.

Remember his radio program?

It was well-written news content that touched on the major news stories, but he also did lighthearted pieces and his delivery was perfect.

Even Larry King and Andy Rooney did shows that spoke of human interests and weren’t dependent on constant rage and hatred of fellow Americans.

Then there were the newspaper columnists!

I never missed a Rick Reilly column - was usually in Sports Illustrated.

The Buffalo papers had Larry Felser, and a guy named Bob Curran. He’d end his column with two words:

“Hang tough.”

I’d read the paper from cover to cover.

Every day.

I’d finish it and return it to the spot where Dad was looking for it.

I really miss newspapers.

But mostly, I miss the writers who were at least pretending to see both sides of the story.

Tucker Carlson was interviewing the 4-time indicted, 90-felony charges dude.

That isn’t a freaking interview that’s worth a damn thing.

Rush Limbaugh died and since he’s been gone we haven’t heard a word about him…

…because he authored nothing of value.

This is a ‘liberal rag’.

That is MAGA drivel.

It all went to hell.

And I blame O.J.

When the Simpson case was televised the world tuned in and then reporting the news became a huge business.

The battle between those who felt he was an innocent man and those who were in the guilty camp…

…was epic.

News became a way to pit one side against another and then the lies started.

Paul Harvey had integrity.

Those talented writers had standards.

There was a collective conscience.

We had a short discussion about it on hole 9 on Sunday and I wondered:

Will we ever get back to a telling of the news that resembles something like we used to have?

Will our kids be able to read a story and know?

“This is true.”

I don’t think we’ll ever hear news from a Paul Harvey again.

And that really stinks.


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