Had They Been Black

I read a Twitter feed from a black man who was waxing poetically about January 6th.

He asked a simple question:

“What if the insurrectionists had been black?”

Now, in the days leading up to the 6th (and you can check the past blogs) I noted that one man in particular was trying to incite a riot and that the ‘protest’ was going to turn violent.

I never dreamed that they would get as far as they did, however, because I believed that law enforcement would be up to stopping them.

They weren’t stopped. Even though there were brave men who took an awful beating to hold the fort.

They weren’t shot or tear-gassed.

They are now spending time in jail and they richly deserve it, but there’s an entertainment news channel out there who still calls them ‘brave patriots’.

I wonder why.

My Twitter friend spelled it out.

“Had the insurrectionists been black we would’ve been beaten back with a drone strike. They would be forever referring to us as criminal thugs.”

That’s absolutely correct.

In some circles when you bring up how awful January 6th was you get an instant response about:

“Those thugs that burned our cities worried about cop violence.”

Hell, that one kid got away with murder and made the rounds as a hero, even posing with a big, orange dude.

What if they had been black?


Would’ve been the worst day in the history of our country - not because of the overthrowing the election part of it - but because so many protesters would’ve been slain.

“Our lives don’t matter,” the twitter man posted.


He’s spot on.


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