Turns Out There Wasn’t A Day Off!

I played ball with Ollie. Monday was turning into a lazy day of catch and movies.

And then…

…at around 3:00, I checked my travel arrangements to see when I could check in for my ‘Tuesday’ flight.

My flight was scheduled for Monday!


I got the day wrong!

I scrambled to throw some things in a suitcase, threw another sixty off the garage for Ollie and 2 hours later, I was asleep on the plane.

The hotel was just five minutes from Logan airport and next door to the place was a high-end Chinese place.

As I settled in, I dwelled on what was certainly a crazy day. All that I’d set out for the week had to be changed as my Tuesday Buffalo visits will now be Wednesday visits and the end of the week travel doesn’t seem quite as daunting with an extra day in between.

As for travel?

We are back to mob scene levels.

The planes are full. The shuttle buses are standing room only, and hotel rates are still through the roof.

On the way from the airport to the car rental place I sat beside a family that had just arrived from Heathrow. I was enjoying their accents as they discussed their 7-hour flight and an exciting trip to Boston.

“Where are you from?” The Mom asked me.

“Buffalo,” I said.

She crinkled her nose a little and asked if I was ‘happy to be out of the snow.’

I laughed.

“It’s 80 degrees there,” I said. “It’s not the Arctic!”

Then I told them the story of getting my travel day wrong.

They thought that was comical.

“How does someone not know what day their flight is?” She asked.

Good question.


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