The Future of the Republican Party

The New York Times ran an opinion piece about what the Republican Party has as a future.

Bleak is probably their best possible outcome.

The front runner for the 2024 nomination is indicted for crimes every few weeks. All sorts of trials and tribulations.

Notice that I’m not commenting on guilt or innocence here. It’s a simple statement of facts. 

Alleged crimes regarding tax fraud, rape, incitement of violence, insurrection, mishandling of classified documents.

So, there are people running against him in the primaries. The candidates have a chance to separate themselves from all the potential criminalities.

One of the challengers was vice-president during the insurrection and was nearly hung.

With the exception of Chris Christie, all the candidates running against the former guy are unbelievably still defending him!

So, if they fall in line behind the guy who is the current front runner, they have zero chance of beating him.

So, the future of the party is the man being indicted every three weeks.

If every Republican voted for him and every Democrat voted against him…

…he will lose soundly.

And what we know for sure:

Democratic voters will not vote for him, and he is losing Republican voters and is not drawing any independents.

The math seems impossible.

The party will cease to exist with another trouncing and no shift in policies or procedures.

And it made me a little sad…

…not that I have anything positive to say about a group who is devoid of any programs other than rage against marginalized people…

…but I think about some of the political contests of my early life.

Hearing about JFK versus Nixon.

Watching Carter versus Ford.

Listening to the exchanges between George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton.

There was civility in those battles. There was a clear distinction as people spoke about conservative principles as opposed to liberal beliefs.

When a man lost an election he would stand up and graciously concede, knowing that the Democracy was served and that as a nation, the losing party would begrudgingly assist in making sure that there would be forward movement.

We have a long walk back to such civility.

As I read the article, and then reread it…

…I was saddened.

The future of the party?


It’s the best they can hope for.

And while that may be just what is deserved, in the long run, it is definitely not a good thing for anyone.

They backed a horrifically bad, immoral, uncaring, evil horse.


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