The Unknown

Been hearing an awful lot about what God wants.

Those who are bending themselves into pretzels to pretend that guns aren’t a problem at all are spewing out beliefs that they have formulated on their own by cherry picking Bible verses.

Meanwhile, back in the real world there are facts that should not be disputed.

1). More people don’t commit murders with hammers than guns.

Those stats are readily available. Hammers are below handguns, rifles and high-caliber weapons of war on the murder charts.

2). We didn’t take God out of schools in the last 22 years as shootings became a thing.

The separation between church and state goes back all the way to 1776 when those who established the guidelines for freedom decided that all Americans would be free to practice their own religion and that there would not be a set God in America.

Amazes me that there are people who are intent on ignoring the entire reason why the hell we left England and fought for independence.

It was to keep it all separate!

3). Video games aren’t responsible.

They play video games all over the world. Mass shootings are here.

4). Mental health!!!

If that’s your go-to excuse please know that every attempt to throw money at mental health is greeted by a resounding “Hell No!” by the same people who blame it every single time.

5). We shouldn’t ban stones or cars.

Had a Twitter troll jump on me to explain that people get stoned to death from time to time in 3rd world countries.

“Should we ban stones?” Was her clever retort.

“Yes!” I said. “If 20 10-year old children are killed by them in about 5 minutes, or if we start having mass murder stone attacks every three days.”

She came back with the cars argument.

“Cars kill more people than guns. Can you live without your car?”

Too easy. I explained about licenses and registrations and insurance.

She blocked me.

So…in the end…

…there no true argument in favor of zero gun safety laws that works.

The entire situation should be rebranded.

Instead of calling it ‘Gun Control’ it needs to be sold as ‘Gun Safety.’

I know a lot of gun owners.

They’re all FOR safety.

They’d probably join in the effort to make America safer, right?

No one, surely, is for the chaos on the streets that’s happening now, right?

But you know what’s hard to argue with?

Vague rantings about God not being somewhere because madmen locked Him out.

Check the congress people who vote against gun safety…

…they all talk about God being the difference.

That’s because facts are hard to debate when they’re presenting the abstract.

They know that.

“We need God back in our homes and in our schools!” One nut job wrote.

“I thought God was everywhere,” was the best answer I saw to that in that little argument that went nowhere.

The Congress person didn’t answer.

‘Cause that can’t be answered.

Gun safety!

There is no rational argument against it.

And gun owners should take the lead on setting the parameters.


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