Making Lemonade

Like I’ve said before, I’m an optimistic guy...

...but perhaps I don’t always give off such vibes.

A buddy of mine said that he was talking to a mutual friend and the mutual friend said, “Cliff seems miserable.” My buddy summed it up perfectly by saying, “He ain’t miserable. He just doesn’t like stupid.”

Which kinda’ sums it up.

Yet, I was driving in yesterday morning and was listening to the news. They were recapping the number of Covid deaths and the lack of hospital beds.

It was also snowing.

I was tired and cold. I was also heading to a project that could’ve been named, ‘Stupid.’

And I thought about something I’ve heard for years:

“You decide what kind of mood you’re going to be in for the day.”



I was going to do my best to be UPBEAT!

Out on my mask, my high-vis jacket, my safety glasses, and my hard hat and headed out.

“We’ve made it a all-mask all-the-time project,” the superintendent said. “We’re up to six positive cases.”

“That’s great.”

“Yeah. It was time.”

I pointed to three guys within 30’ of us who weren’t masked up.

“I didn’t say they were listening,” he said.

Three weeks left in this crazy ass year.

“Hey, at least the Bills are good,” he said.

“Yep, and this is the scenario I’m imagining,” I said. “The Chiefs get upset in round one and the Bills sail to the Super Bowl. During the two-week break the entire team comes down with the virus and they have to forfeit.”

He laughed.

“As sad as that might be, it would be the perfect end to a horrible year.”

Headed back outside.

More snow.

Wind caused my eyebrows to freeze.

I sang, “oh, what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day,” all the way to my car.

It’s about the attitude, right?


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