Covid Relief

So, the chaos of the past week, and the demands for change in the proposed bill was going to be negotiated by the art of the deal guy.

Some people, in desperate need of, oh, I don’t know, eating or paying the electric bill, were getting excited about surviving.

All weekend the bill was held in purgatory as the powers to be hit the ski trails, and the golf courses.

Unemployment lapsed.

People braced for eviction.

I saw a post on Twitter that said ‘for $1.64 a day you too can sponsor an American.’

Life and death stuff.

But the deal maker finished up his round and then made a grand gesture of signing the bill that he had called a disgrace...three days before.

Doing it a day too late to help people who’s unemployment lapsed is incomprehensible.

Pandemic wise?

Fauci announced that the ‘worst is yet to come’.

Probably true because as much as people were nervous to get together for Christmas...

...they did in a whole lot of cases.

People will also get together to tell 2020 to kiss their ass as 2021 heads through the door.

So there will be more illness and more death.

I have been trying to stay positive and set aside the things I can’t control.

Hard to do in this day and age.

But hey, the golf trip and the ski trip and the long weekend must have went well...

...they kicked some crumbs at starving, desperate people.

Hoping there’s hope ahead.


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