Loser Teachers

There have been so many sad moments from the political rallies.

On Monday night a reporter was attacked.

Trump lied about democrats and abortion saying that babies are being born and then aborted. Just a misinformation tactic to try and inflame an already flammable issue.

(For the record, doctors don’t perform late-term abortions unless there is a valid, life-threatening issue)

Why let the truth stand in the way of a lovely bout of hatred.

Yet, I had the misfortune of hearing Junior talk.

“Donald Trump Jr.: Donald Trump’s son.”

Is what it says on his resume.

That’s it.

He went on a rant, talking about how conservative children had to keep fighting, and he punctuated it by pleading with them to not listen to the “loser teachers.”

How embarrassing is that?

Teaching is a tough profession. In some areas of the country, teachers are in a battle with their students. They battle with students who are looking for a reason to disrespect them. They don’t need to be belittled, on a national stage by someone who’s main claim to fame is shooting a lion on a “hunting” trip.

It made my skin crawl, honestly.

As a kid, I was taught to respect my teachers. I didn’t love all of them, but as I grew, I honestly never knew which of them were liberal and which was conservative.

I was taught to have respect for authority.

As an adult, I’ve had cause to stand in front of a class of students.

I taught creative writing and I’ve also taught construction safety.

It’s not an easy job.

If you head into the front of the class unprepared you’re going to be eaten alive. If you try and push an agenda, you’re asking for trouble...

...if you stand before them, already being labeled a loser, you’re already fighting a battle that isn’t easy to win.

During the survey there were also chants of “lock her up.”

Horrible misspelled signs, hate speech, violence, lies...

...all bad stuff.

Working on a dialogue that attacks teachers, though, is a new low.

“What’s more fun than a Trump rally?” The main speaker shouted.

Off the top of my head...

...a root canal?


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