Annoying Phrases

Politicians say the same old things over and over. There are so many turns of phrase that I hate because I have to hear them repeatedly!

“I’m laser-focused in helping the American people.”

That sentence has two annoying phrases.

How come everyone is always focused like a freaking laser?

And “the American people” wants....


Some other annoying phrases:


There’s no such word!

“At the end of the day.”

People who say that say it constantly!

“I literally ate a hundred pounds of food.”

You “literally” didn’t!

“Think outside the box.”


“Run this up the flag pole and see who salutes.”

I should be able to punch someone for saying that.

“You have 2 choices.”

Then they lay out 2 options! Which is one choice!!

There are some politicians who do absolutely nothing but talk in cliches.

“I just want the American people to know that I’m laser focused, irregardless of what they’ve heard, that at the end of the day we have just two choices to literally save ourselves.”

Shut up!!!!

Say something!

Try a new phrase or two... me up the flag pole!

I’m sure you have a few that irritate you.

I bet that a politician said it first!


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