The Taxman Cometh

Two members of Congress got into a shouting match on Thursday.

Hatch versus Brown.

It was pretty ugly.

The argument was over who the tax cut (the most massive, awesome, tax cut in maybe ever) would benefit the most.

It's being hailed as a tax cut for everyone, but under further scrutiny, it appears that it will benefit the highest 1%.


But the good news is that those who save millions...will kickstart the economy...

...and share their money with the struggling middle class and the poorest among us (who may actually get a tax hike).

So, how to pay for this, because we don't want to add to the deficit..., let's roll that healthcare thingy into it.

I can imagine it.

"Tax hike on the poor, take away their healthcare, stop paying teachers who pay for students supplies out of pocket, fix the estate tax so Ivanka and the two creepy sons keep the money that I've never paid taxes on (cause I'm smart), give the middle class some out front, take it from them on the back end, and most importantly, pretend that everyone is getting a raise, and that we're doing it out of the goodness of our hearts."

"That might work! Why would anyone ever think we'd lie????"

And it passed in the house, but may get exposed in the senate.

What can we do about it?


I spoke to an accountant about it on Friday.

"Shell game," he said. "It's funny listening to them talk about taxes. They don't know a damn thing!"

Which is heartwarming.

So, I'll wait.

Go see my taxman.

Drop everything off and go home and wait. He'll call me a week or so later, and say the same thing he always says:

"Are you sitting down?"

This year I may have to sit down before he starts talking because after listening to this group govern...

...there may be trouble ahead...

...unless you're a one percenter.


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