
There are a whole lot of uncomfortable men out there.

In Hollywood, in Congress, in work places all across the country.

It appears that the downfall of Harvey Weinstein has allowed victims to find the strength to step forward and obliterate those who once left them powerless.


It's about time, isn't it?

Way back I felt amazed when Bill Clinton sort of skated through his episode. Yes, he was impeached. He certainly was hammered on a lot of fronts, but I heard a lot of people say:

"What he did had nothing to do with his job performance."

The Access Hollywood tape of Trump just locker room talking also surprised me.

He received a lot of votes from women.

It was a shock to me.

I've worked in a lot of places. I can certainly tell you that there has been a cultural shift since the 1980's and 1990's.

But, certainly there is still a lot of room to improve.

I've witnessed women being verbally abused by their bosses.

I have also known a whole bunch of men who, drunk with power, acted like first-class a-holes.

It's about respect.

It always is.

Those men who stand accused didn't have any respect for the women...

... or for themselves.

They felt entitled to take whatever the hell they wanted...

...consequences be damned.

Well, eventually the chickens come home to roost, right?

For a lot of years the chickens stayed in hiding, afraid of what speaking out might do to them.

Kevin Spacey, Louis C.K., Jeremy Piven, Congressman Moore, Charlie Sheen, Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein...

...Trump and Clinton too.

If there's a price to pay...

...if they're found to be guilty...


The chickens are home.


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