Flynn Flipped, Sexiest Man of the Year and Moore!

So, John Flynn’s lawyers are no longer speaking with Donald Trump’s lawyers, which might signal that Flynn has now flipped and may be singing like a canary.

What that leads to is anyone’s guess.

Uncharted territory.

There was also a story circulating about a tape that further compromises Donald. Was he caught with an underage girl? Did he pull a Ray Rice?

Many have supposedly seen the tape, including Tom Arnold.

Will it all come out soon?

Stay tuned.

What is true is that Trump made a claim, on Friday night that Time Magazine contacted to let him know that he’d probably be ‘person of the year’, but since it involved an interview and a photo shoot, probably wasn’t enough because he’s busy...

...then Time came out and said that the claim was inaccurate!

Kind of like People calling me to let me know that I was most likely going to win ‘Sexiest Man Alive’ but I’m too damn busy.

Was it just a distraction?

Donald doubled down on Sunday morning.

He explained that the Democrat who is running against accused pedophile Ray Moore is a bad choice as a senator.

The alleged pedophile would be tougher on crime.

Can you actually believe that this is our leadership?

Fake man of the year?

A pedophile winning an election?

Blackmail and video??

On to tax reform!!!!

The poor, oppressed billionaires have really suffered!


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