Happy Birthday, Mom

In the new book, The big D, (available through Amazon.com, or by messaging me your address), I wrote about The Carpenters, and how the Mom in the story loved their music.

I thank Mom (and Dad) for introducing me to all sorts of artists.

Mom also brought reading into my life. We still trade books.

On Thanksgiving Day, the first thing she said to me was:

“I’m reading the new book. It’s a great story so far.”

She reads a lot...

...so that’s a great compliment.

And conversation has always been easy with Mom.

We talk about everything from sports, to politics, the past, present and future.

On her birthday today there will be Lobster!

She loves it...

...and a bunch of us will take her out...

...share some more laughter.

Happy Birthday to my Mommy!

Thank you for all you’ve done, and all the love!

Every time I finish a book she should also take a bow because I’d have never been an author without her.

Not a chance!

(Shoutout to JC too. Happy Birthday, buddy).


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