The Reckoning
If I’m still home at 7 a.m., I normally watch Matt Lauer and Savannah Guthrie to get some news (fake or not fake). I was stunned by yesterday’s news. Lauer got fired. Caught up in the sexual harassment triangle. I immediately wondered if it was a quick trigger. Did he get fired for simple remarks? Was he a serial problem child? They didn’t say much early on, and I got into a chat with my text buddy. “I worry about not being able to joke around anymore,” I said. “Men have been acting like idiots for centuries. The tide has turned.” “There’s a line that can never be crossed,” I answered. “If you don’t know the line, you’re probably a scumbag.” I thought of a dinner with a coworker years ago. A fun filled laughfest where we all spent time making fun of one another. She eventually gave me her phone number so I could text business opportunities. I immediately sent a text: “What are you wearing?” She was sitting across from me at the restaurant. We all laughed. She ca...