The Week That Was

I miss listening to Paul Harvey do the news.

What happened in your week that was? snowed again.

Even as I write this on Saturday morning, I'm cold.

Had a great idea last week to set a golf tee-time, thinking that it was time to move around a little. Mid-way through the week one of the Grape Apes sent me a photo of a snow event:

"Still golfing on Sunday?"

It blows!

So, MeDreamy is dead, huh?

In all the years I've watched about 6 minutes total of Gray's Anatomy. I was out of town when this week's episode aired, but rumor has it that my beautiful wife was crying in her bed as the episode wound down.

The boys thought it was pretty funny.

Did you catch the Bruce Jenner interview?

I missed it, of course, because much to the aggravation of all I strictly watch baseball from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. on most every night. Yet there is no getting away from it.

The thing that amazes me about the story is that Jenner was the man. He was the Olympic athlete of the century. It's still crazy to the life you wanna' live, right?

Whether or not I agree with his choice for his life shouldn't matter to him.

I have a feeling that I'll grow weary of his journey, however.

Oh, speaking of athletes....

I've exacted my revenge.

The 27-time World Champion Greatest franchise in the History of Organized American Sports had a great week...winning 7 of 8...after starting the season in a pretty ghastly fashion.

I refused to be quiet about it!

I took so much heat in week one that I turned the tables a bit. During last night's thrashing of the hapless Mets one of my oldest friends in the world nearly blocked me from his TEX-message feed when Mark Texieria sent two over the wall.

I wish he had.

That would've been great.

Yet he took his lumps and went to bed.

My dogs and I survived a couple of days on the road.

"They're so into the routine when you're at home," Sam said. "It's almost like they know exactly what time it is."

And I mentioned to Sam that we all need routines.

"The more organized you are, the better it goes," I mentioned.

"Nah," he said. "I'm gonna' live my life like Mom...there's more surprises."

And I suppose there are.

Wouldn't Paul Harvey mention something about 'Page 2' here?

Not me.

Just one page of news today.

Have a good weekend.


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