Lost In Space

Was listening to a radio show this week and the conversation swung around to the great unknown that is out there. The group was talking to a scientist type who had some insight into black holes, life on other planets and the such.

I don't know about you, but when I start thinking along those lines I'm sort of lost in the enormity of it all.

The smart guy mentioned that there was a radio burst of sorts that seemed to speak to the fact that there are other life forms out there...maybe ones that are even more sophisticated than what we have here on Earth.

Weird, right?

The conversation gathered steam and it sounded like the discovery of such another group would most definitely happen in the next 20 years or so.

Stands to reason, in this vast universe that perhaps we are not alone.

But it's all so strange to me.

Who are we and why are we here?

Was there a creator of all of this?

L. Ron Hubbard?

Joe Smith?

Jesus, Mary and Joseph?

And in those moments of reflection I am confused by all of it.

The science dude talked about astronauts who travel way out there and get back to tell the tale.

"Even though they are science-based, they feel infinitely more spiritual in some respects," he said.

You think?

I imagine looking down on the planet might allow you a greater perspective.


When I start thinking big picture like that it sort of makes my head hurt.

Is there a plan for each and every one of us?

Will there be a Mars Attacks! type day in the future, or will the aliens be more like E.T.?

Next they got on the subject of debris floating around and how it could crash into us one day and end it all.

From there they spoke of the heat of the sun and how getting out of whack in our orbit could turn us all into crispy things.

Thankfully it was a comedy show and the two comedians kept the conversation from getting heavy, but when you think of it, we're all just floating around...hoping the Yankees win...eating fried shit...trudging off to work...wondering how and why...why and how.

We're all just sort of lost in space.

I wonder if the other dudes on the other planet have the same sorts of problems.


Think about all that today.


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