Nope! There's No God!!

Reading a book written by an astronaut, Chris Hadfield.

I actually first heard Hadfield speak on the Opie & Jim Norton Show and I found him to be unbelievably interesting...and intelligent, of course. He's been in orbit a whole bunch of times and he spoke clearly about what some of those trips around the universe were like.

Hadfield reminded all of us, who are down here worrying about parking spots, what Bruce Jenner is doing, and endless work days, that there is so much more out there to consider.

One of the more interesting questions posed had to do with the subject of God.

Does Hadfield find spirituality when he makes his trips among the stars?

The astronaut was fairly non-committal.

He didn't come right out and say that he saw the face of God on one of the adjoining planets, but he did say that what folks feel here on Earth can certainly be enlightened up there.

Which I took it to mean that there was more there...or that Hadfield believed as much.

Yet, as soon as that interview was over I was kicking around Twitter when I came across a gallery of folks who are "on record" as being atheists.

I also find a list such as that to be interesting because I often wonder what those folks are gonna' do when they wind standing there in front of God.

"Uh, whoops!"

But the folks on the list were fascinating to me.

Morgan Freeman.


He played God!

Lance Armstrong.

The arch-enemy of this blog as king douche, Lance, of course, doesn't believe in God.

How could God possibly exist when we all know that it's Lance's world and we are just allowed to live in it?

Jack Nicholson.

Herrrrreeee's Johnny!

Good old Jack has often walked around spinning in his own orbit as well.

There were a dozen others on the list.

I'm not certain that the list was proven, of course, but if it's on the Internet it has to be true, right?

And no matter how long we debate the issue there most certainly won't be a definitive answer.

Is there or isn't there?

I find it difficult to think in absolutes when it comes to this question.

Hold a gun to my head and ask me.

I won't deny either point of view.

Yet I certainly am more inclined to side with Hadfield than I am to side with King Douche, Lance.

I guess we'll all find out one day.

In the meantime...

...Let it Be.


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