D.B. of the Week - Rebecca Francis

How did you feel when you looked at that photo?


I did.

And I am not a hunter. The reason that I am not a hunter is because when I was about five years old I opened the door to the garage where I came across a deer that was hanging upside down from the rafters. My Dad and Grandpa had been out hunting and Dad had shot the deer. I stared in those dead deer eyes for a long time. I vowed to never kill anything.

I get it.

I don't believe that hunting is a bad thing. We'd be overrun with deer if there weren't people who hunted each year.

I just can't do it.

Call me sensitive. Call me a *&ssy...I don't care. I once struck a groundhog with my car and I thought I'd have to pull over and weep.I shoo flies out the door. I don't ever want to have to set a mouse trap.

But that's just me.


Maybe I am a *&ssy.


...The woman in the photo is named Rebecca Francis. She's an avid hunter from Utah. She went on a hunt and spent time in a faraway land, hunting exotic animals for sport. She said that she was asked to shoot the giraffe by the townspeople. Evidently the giraffe was utilized by all the poverty-stricken folks who live there.


Why am I choosing her as the D.B. of the Week?

Because of the smile.

It rubs me the wrong way.

A majestic animal laying dead and she poses next to it with that shitty grin?

I'm not alone.

Ricky Gervais, who is a huge animal lover, tweeted out the photo to millions of people and the outrage against Francis was tremendous.

Millions argued the merits of the hunt.

Gervais attacked.

Gervais' fans attacked Francis.

She received death threats.

I will argue a point with anyone and everyone. I often do.

Even if you agree with Francis' ability to hunt and kill exotic animals in an almost arranged scheme that takes a lot of the sport away...

...how do you defend that shitty grin?

Doesn't feel right.

I think it's a D.B. move.


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