Happy Thoughts

Was recently reading an article that spoke of a guy named Peter Thiel. He's a billionaire. He is the creator of PayPal...worth $2.2 billion.

Good work if you can get it.

Thiel was in the news because he's intent on changing the way we live.

To be more specific...how and when we die.

Thiel said that he was gonna' try and work out a few solutions that would allow for humans to live to the age of...oh...150 or so.

Can you imagine?

"How old are you?"

"I'm only 112. You?"

Of course, throwing a billion dollars at it may get us closer to such a goal, but after I finished the article I turned to my beautiful wife.

"Can you imagine what sort of shape I'd be in at 120 years old?"

She laughed.

Not a pretty picture.

Yet I do hope that Thiel is onto something. Doubling the life span would allow for a whole lot of changes, right?

Imagine these types of Facebook posts:

"We're celebrating our 100-year wedding anniversary!"

(What kind of sick joke is that!).

"This is my baby! He's only 91!"

Of course, there would certainly need to be some changes made.

The retirement age would have to go up, right?


"I've been retired for 62 years," would be a routine statement.

You think social security is in the shitter now, huh?

And I put it all into perspective after hearing Louie C.K. discuss the idea of life after death.

"There's life after death," he said. "You just ain't in it. The Super Bowl will still be played. There will be barbecues and picnics. You just aren't here for them."

And therein lies the fascination posed by Thiel.

I imagine that he got tired of counting his money and that it dawned on him that he would expire in a relatively short time and that his life of leisure would be over.

When you have $2.2 billion dollars the days most likely seem to end too quickly.

Of course, strides have been made.

The life expectancy grows with each passing year.

Someday celebrating your 144th birthday may certainly be the norm.

Then again...

...we'll probably blow the whole freaking thing to smithereens by then.

Happy thoughts.

Think happy thoughts.


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