May You Please

It's funny but one of the real benefits to having children is that you are allowed to order them around a little. I can still hear my Dad calling out for one of us to help him with something.

Of course, now I'm the one doing the calling:


Sam is our go-to-guy.

His legs are young.

He grabs water for me. The remote for my beautiful wife. He fills the water dish for the dogs. He locks the doors at night and empties the dishwasher.

He's a little worker bee.

The best of the three!

Matt was actually pretty handy as well and would go out of his way to retrieve our stuff.


Not so much.

But Sam has rules.

We have to ask him nicely.

Here's one of our exchanges from just a couple of days ago.

Me: Sam!

Sam: Yeah?

Me: Can you grab me a water?

Sam: I can. Can you ask correctly?

Me: May you please?

Sam: May I please what?

Me: Grab me a water.

Sam: Put it all together.

Me: Sam, may you please grab me a water?

Sam: I'd be happy to.

It sounds like he's being difficult and I'm sure my Dad would've knocked his head off, but he has rules!

We have to ask:

May you please...

That's not so bad...

...because he spends most of his evenings running through the house, doing everything for us.

I would be lying, however, if I said that I find it all amusing all the time.

May you please....



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