Telling Stories

I have always enjoyed the music of Tracy Chapman.

Which brings me a lot of strange looks from some of my friends. Yet my sister Carrie Lynn loves her as that should tell you that we're right and you're wrong!

It also almost got me thrown out of Connecticut bar in the late 80's because I had played her entire record on the CD player. The bartender had left his post, came around the bar, and unplugged the machine, glaring at me as he did so.

"Listen to the words!" I called out.

He wasn't interested in doing that.

"Play that sh*t again and you're leaving," he said.

He was wrong.

Tracy is awesome.

The lyrics I chose for today's entry mean a whole lot to me. I listen to the record a lot when I'm writing...

...because I'm just Telling Stories.

Telling Stories by Tracy Chapman

There is fiction in the space between
The lines on your page of memories

Write it down but it doesn't mean
You're not just telling stories

There is fiction in the space between
You and me

There is fiction in the space between
You and reality

You will do and say anything
To make your everyday life
Seem less mundane

There is fiction in the space between
You and me

There's a science fiction in the space between
You and me

A fabrication of a grand scheme
Where I am the scary monster
I eat the city and as I leave the scene
In my spaceship I am laughing

In your remembrance of your bad dream
There's no one but you standing

Leave the pity and the blame
For the ones who do not speak

You write the words to get respect and compassion
And for posterity

You write the words and make believe
There is truth in the space between

There is fiction in the space between
You and everybody

Give us all what we need
Give us one more sad sordid story

But in the fiction of the space between

Sometimes a lie is the best thing

Sometimes a lie is the best thing


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