Spreading the Hate

People will post the following:

"Don't be a hater."

I don't care what the subject is, there are haters everywhere who want to chime in and...

...spread hate.

Check out this little exchange:

That's an exchange between a professional football player and a hater. (Some people may even refer to Mr. Batten as a troll.

Kapernick was trying to share part of his day with the fans and the guy jumped on him.

Check the number of re-tweets and favorites the guy received for making a snarky comment.

Fairly disgusting.

It pissed off the quarterback.

He didn't ignore it.

Quite a response.

In fact, you can almost see how he was seething...one tweet after another...written in absolute rage.

It's the new version of road rage.

To be truthful, I wasn't really thrilled with Kapernick's response.

He didn't take the high road.

He bashed the guy.

Demeaned him.

The line that sort of bothered me was:

Get Better at life!

Now some might say that the guy had it coming to him.

The guy was probably thrilled that he got Kapernick to answer him at all.

All of it stinks.

(What's more...I love when someone throws out the "are you illiterate?" line and then craps all over what he's trying to say...run on sentences, poor grammar, nonsensical garbage).

What's the big deal, you ask? It's just a football player and a dope.

Well...it's everywhere!

Twitter, Facebook, blogs....

...everyone is just bashing.

No one is even trying to be clever.

Yeah, yeah...I write a D.B. of the Week...but at least I try and make a point!

There are people who sit on their couch...chase a celebrity...and just hammer them.

Then there are celebrities who hammer back...more hate!

Just ugly.


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