D.B. of The Week - MEUndies

This is a story of a man, making about $450,000 a year for running with a ball...and underwear.

Joseph Randle is a running back with the Dallas Cowboys.

He was arrested a couple of weeks ago for stealing underwear and a tester bottle of cologne.

The entire tab would've run him $123.00. Evidently that was too expensive, so he allegedly stole it.

Now normally that would be enough to grab D.B. of the week honors, but his actions pale in comparison to the people who actually run MeUndies.

They decided to hire Randle as a spokesman!


They paid the fine that was levied on him by the Dallas Cowboys. The Cowboys hit him with a $29,500 fine.

MeUndies is going to pay that.


He loves our underwear so much that he stole it!

But he's good guy so we're going to hire him and take away his fine and the shame that comes with doing something as low as shoplifting something that he didn't even need or want.

Isn't that beautiful?

And we wonder why these guys think that they're above the law.

Did you see the Jets traded for a known bad guy, Percy Harvin?

To make room on the roster for the constant troublemaker they cut a guy named David Nelson who's main claim to fame was that he used his spot in the league as a guy who helped raise money for the people of Haiti.

The NFL is a league where bad behavior isn't just ignored, it's rewarded!

Randle will make more money with his new job pitching underwear than many of us will make all year.

Don't you love when things work out?

And there is a scheme attached to it, but can someone tell me why a company would go out of their way to hire a guy who was confronted by 'an old man'? (that's what Randle allegedly called the security guard who busted him).

Randle allegedly said 'when the old man came up to me I said, 'you got me.'

And then this gem:

"If I'd a known it was gonna' be such a big deal I woulda' just kept walking."


Now I get it!

Randle was a good guy because he stopped walking away when the 'old man' busted him.

Hey, he could've knocked the old dude out with one punch, right?

He showed tremendous character there, folks.

I had it all screwed up....if I would've known he was such a warm dude I would've hired him too.

D.B.'s all around.

Thank God I wear tighty-whities.

I don't have to worry about stealing $50 underwear.


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