Buffalo's Got the Spirit

A long while ago one of my college buddies came to Buffalo for a visit.

He wasn't impressed.

"This place is a shit hole," he said as we headed over the Skyway and into the city.

I wasn't even able to impress him with Niagara Falls either because we ended up in Canada at the ballet instead.

But today I was strolling around the downtown because there is construction on every corner:

And I must say the place is starting to really shape up.

(Of course I'm the one to thank because I've kept all these construction guys safe as they build the joint).

Yet it makes me wonder.

What the hell have we been doing for the past 20 years?

And of course there are still a lot of really beaten down areas.

The abandoned homes on the East side and the West side and the North side and the South side need to be handled, but we are even fancying up the old grain silos:

It's for beer, of course, but that's the sort of town we are.

Yet there is great angst as the football team appears headed down to the place in the toilet where they usually settle and the Sabres are gonna' be horrible as well, but with a new Women & Children's Hospital on the way and with a Solar City coming with the promise of jobs...

...sing along, folks.

Buffalo's got the spirit..talking proud, talking proud.

(Now if Kyle Orton suddenly turns into Johnny Unitas everyone will be happy).

Shit hole no more, Fluff!


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