Miles Scott & Rob Ford

Twitter is a great social media network.

It's sort of taken information gathering and current events reading to a whole new level.

On Friday afternoon I read two stories back-to-back.

First, the story of embattled Toronto Mayor Rob Ford who was in the process of being stripped of his powers.

(Makes him sound like a bad superhero).

Ford is the crack-smoking-stupor-inducing-pu##y-eating-Chris-Farley-looking dude who has captured the nation of Canada.

He's basically embarrassed everyone who says 'Eh' seven hundred times a day.

And I don't know what to make of the guy. I really don't know what makes him tick. How can you become mayor of the 4th largest city of North America and then just literally piss it all the way in a drunken haze of crack smoke?

My worst fears were realized as well as I listened to talk radio about the guy.

There were people calling in to say that he was a great leader because 'he's just a normal guy.'

I'm a normal guy.

I don't smoke crack.


The bright side of Twitter also showed it's face as I read about Miles Scott, a 5-year-old leukemia patient from California who had a wish granted by a great organization - Make-A-Wish.

Miles wanted to get a batman outfit and the people there teamed with the City of San Francisco to make sure that his wish was something really special.

There were 7,000 people in on the gig and Miles was able to rescue a damsel in distress and catch the Riddler. There was a full-sized batman riding with him in the bat car and they raced to the scene and saved the day.

Obama even recorded a statement that said, "Way to go Miles! Way to save Gotham!"

And reading the two stories back-to-back sort of did it for me.

A real life superhero and a disgraced man being stripped of his powers.

It's hard not to feel like crying after reading both of the stories.

Perhaps we can loan Miles Scott to Toronto and he can help save the mayor from a horrific enemy:



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