Am I Wrong?????

The Ray Lewis Show on Sunday really got to me.

Especially after a couple of things happened.

First my son posted a shot of Lewis celebrating a tackle and poor Sam wrote:

The Greatest Defender Ever.

The second thing that happened was that I read an article about the murders back more than ten years ago and how Lewis covered up a lot what happened that night. There had also been testimony by the limo driver that Lewis was directly involved in the fatal encounter.

(Check out the Orlando Sentinel for the article. It's heartbreaking).

The limo driver recanted at the trial.

Lewis went free. No one was ever charged.

We know all that.

Yet what got me about it was the grandmother of one of the victims who spoke about how sickened she was by the Lewis dance and the glory he gets every year as the face of football.

The longer the game went on, the more aggravated I became.

Finally I told Sam to take down the picture of him glorifying Lewis.

"He's a great football player," Sam argued.

We went back and forth. Sam is a pretty formidable arguer - I have no idea where he learned to argue every point - but after some time I grew real weary of discussing the matter.

After the game was over I read Sam the account of the murder all those years ago and the words of the woman who missed her grandson who died on the streets after being stabbed by Lewis or one of Lewis' buddies.

Three hours later I went back on Facebook.

Sam had taken down the shot of Lewis dancing.

He had posted the article about the murder victims.

He didn't say he was wrong. In fact we didn't talk about it again.

I suppose that I should use the time to talk about forgiveness, or second chances in life. Yet no one paid the price for that crime, and Lewis is treated like a god of some sort.

I don't feel like forgiving him.


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