Power & Fury

People come from all over the world to glance at the power and fury of Niagara Falls.

A daredevil is going to walk over it on a highwire later this summer.

He's pissed they're making him wear a safety harness.

Over the last couple of days the rushing water has been in the news because people are jumping in to try and kill themselves. One did it and the other was saved.

Goofy bastard can't even kill himself by jumping into Niagara Falls?

That's a loser, right?

And none of it is funny. The Buffalo News today told us all about how frequently it occurs. A whole bunch of times from the U.S. and Canada sides.

I don't think that's how I'm going.

In fact, I've crossed off diving into Niagara Falls and anorexia as two of the things that won't get me.

I worked across from the Falls years ago. My brother John worked with me that summer and we sat in the park across from one of the wonders of the world and he said the same thing every day.

"Shut that thing off!"

Everyone who knows John knows that he will repeat things over and over until they become funny. Every night, as kids, he'd ask my mother what was for dinner, while we were eating dinner.


I can't imagine the angst one must feel before taking that flying leap into such an intimidating force of nature.

Think of the guy who made it.

He's all banged up, of course, but they are thinking he'll survive. I can imagine him in that hospital bed.

"I dove in and freaking lived!"

I know that there will be a lot of people up there as the man crosses the Falls this summer on the high wire. People are strange. I'm sure that many in the audience will be rooting for him to fall. Thankfully he will be tethered.

I haven't really stopped and looked at the Falls in years. Yet watching the rescue the other night I was in absolute awe.

Imagine being in that river.

It's actually impossible to comprehend.

Then again so is losing so much faith that you figure jumping in is option number one.


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