Pastor Satan

Did you happen to hear the pastor from North Carolina who ended his sermon by calling Obama a baby killer and a lover of queers?

I'm telling you.

It was really disturbing. Listen to it on You Tube.

The thing about it is that you might be against the whole gay marriage thing. I sort of let my thoughts be known a few blogs past. This one isn't about gay marriage. It's about sermons.

The pastor basically went off about the Bible being against it. God being against it, and most importantly for those listening...the pastor being against it.

When people stand up and speak and include themselves to be right there alongside the Bible and God there are real serious problems with reality.

And the Bible?

I know that there are people who really study it and quote it when it suits their agenda, but there's a lot of weird stuff in there. The Ole Testament is filled with rules that, if enforced today, would result in severe jail sentences. Beat the wife, stone those you disagree with, eat animals without hoofs.

What the hell?

Yet there are also very conflicting thoughts at play. It doesn't exactly read like a story that is easily defined. Certainly there are remarkable passages in there that if followed, in the context of a spiritual life, are a fine blueprint on how to live.

But it's all based on love.

The above pastor says that all the gays and lesbians..."queers and homosexuals" as he called them...should be put into an electrified pen. Being Christian and all loving he figures we can lower food to them but that eventually we wouldn't have to worry about them because they wouldn't be able to reproduce and would die out.

There were people in the congregation chanting out 'Amen!'

Now even if I agreed with this nitwit such words would make me feel real uncomfortable, you know?

Not sure about you but I go to church to feel love and to embrace faith and hope and to rise above what is aggravating me. Would I be comfortable listening to pure hate coming from a guy who is ill-informed, shortsighted and prejudicial, and most likely a closeted gay man?

Is spewing hate really God's plan?

Growing up I worked as an altar boy. I listened to an awful lot of sermons. Many of them weren't followed very closely. I listened to priest after priest pontificate. Some of the worst were the guys who broke down the gospel we just heard as if doing the recap of a football game.

The best sermons were those that applied to my life in some way. They were the one's who directed me to act a certain way in the context of present day America.

I don't remember even one good one that was about hate.

As I listened I thought of what might have been a sermon back when the slaves were owned all across this great land. I can imagine the great-great-great grandfather of this guy spewing something about throwing all the "darkies" into a pen somewhere and whining about not being able to beat them and control them.

He may even have found some sort of reference in his Bible.

God help us.

Take the microphone away from idiots like that.


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