A Bit of Housekeeping

Walked out into the bright sunshine on Sunday morning and after saying my hello's to those above thought of one thing:

I should be golfing.

Damn. Truth is, though, I'm not even tempted to take a couple of practice hacks.

I feel that shitty.

Yet there were so many things that crowded into my head for a blog that I decided to do a little clean-up.

1). The trial of the doctor here in Buffalo isn't exactly riveting for me. The good doc is on the stand now telling us his side of the story on how he ran down the girl and didn't feel compelled to stop. He's gunning for a little sympathy, here, folks. After all, his $100,000 Mercedes got ruined. Have a heart, jurors.

Throw away the key.

2). I'll Have Another is all set up for the Triple Crown. I love all the stories of the poor, downtrodden owners of the horse who bought the animal for $11,000 and now are set to make millions. America. What a country! My only up close and personal horse activity happened in Richmond, Virginia. I went to some event where horses were being whipped and beaten to jump over hurdles. I'm sure that activity has some name, but it all seemed weird to me. People all dressed up to watch horses. Everyone was acting so prime and proper.

I didn't belong there.

3). We are all set for the presidential campaign, aren't we? I have an idea. Let's vote in two weeks. No campaigns, no ads, no stories about Obama's birth certificate or Romney's dog. Obama versus Romney. People, for the most part, have already made up their minds. Those that haven't have 14 days to decide.

Think of what we could do with the $ we save.

4). Feel free to call me, text me, tweet me, or Facebook me anytime the Yankees lose. I'm actually all right with it because it's a long season. They will win 90, lose 60 and do something with the other 12. In the end they will compete for the title, and it really is fine if they lose. They are only 7 for 47 when it comes to winning titles in my lifetime so I can handle defeat.

But can you handle it if it goes the other way? I'll be relentless.

5). Speaking of which. Work is going to bring me close to the cathedral of baseball soon and coincidentally the meeting was set for the early afternoon on a night when the Yanks happen to be at home.

Wonder how that happened.

6). Spring is a rough time because there's a lot of cleanup around the house and plenty of yard that needs to be worked. I'll share something with you. If your grand plan was to have children so that they could handle a brunt of the workload you're in for a rude awakening.

They ain't real interested.

7). Speaking of which. Even getting the small garden ready was a real chore this year. Thinking back to my childhood we always planted on Memorial Day weekend. So with that in mind there was incredible angst in my mind as I wondered about getting down on the ground to pick the weeds. That wasn't the real problem. Getting up was the sticking point. So I had the kids clear the small area of grass and weeds so the ground could be dug up. They weren't all that successful.

"Can't we just buy cukes and tomatoes?" Sam asked.

8). As I write the new book I must spoil it by saying that a couple of characters try to build character by coming up with a quote of the day and a word of the day that allows them to grow as individuals.

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter," MLK Jr.

Agley - off the right line; awry; wrong.

There's the word and quote for today.

9). The New York Book Festival winners will be announced soon. Praying that Oh Brother! The Life and Times of Jeff Fazzolari picks up another nod. Set up for the Hollywood and San Diego Festivals as the year continues.


10). Speaking of which, the Gow School is also honoring Jeff with the granting of the Jeff Fazzolari Memorial Scholarship.

That's why we plant gardens, kids...to build things.

I feel as if I cleaned up some of the loose ends.


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