Without Limit, Regardless of Cost

I was stopped for speeding one time a few years ago. The brother that was riding with me thoroughly enjoyed the moment and while the cop was writing the ticket, my brother said, "I bet you say thank-you to him after he gives you the ticket."

I was beside myself with anger - "I'm not thanking him!" I said.

The cop returned, handed me the ticket, explained the charge, very politely went over the procedure and told me to have a good day and be careful.

"Thank you," I said, and my brother howled.

That was about how I felt going back to church today - almost as if I were thanking the cop. I do know that having that thought is another example of my inability to understand, but I recalled the story just the same.

Yet I had returned - sans children - for just a chance to think things through. Normally one thing or another catches my ear and sticks with me through the week.

"Do you really love?" the pastor asked during his sermon. "How many people, in your life, do you love without limit and regardless of cost?"

I was able to answer him positively even after he explained how difficult it were to do that. It isn't easy to be forgiving, or unconditional in our love. It's not easy to say thank-you to someone you love after you feel they have slighted you.

I started doing the count in my head - wife, kids, brothers, sisters, parents, close friends, nieces, nephews, and on and on and on. I could honestly say that the costs could never be too high, and I would certainly go to the ends of the Earth to prove that love.

And a strange thing happened during the Mass- I thought of the words: "Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again." And I heard them for the first time, focusing in on the last four words - "Christ will come again."

And He will come back into my life again...and again...and again...and again. In the eyes of my own children and my nieces and nephews; in the loving action of my sisters; in a hug from my parents... no matter how many times I need Him to, He'll come back to me.

And I walked out of that church, looked skyward, and remembered thanking that cop from so long ago...and I Thanked God.

For showing me love and reminding me of it today.


Mary C said…
You are doing fine my friend, keep up the good work!

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