Where's the Center?

Listening to Roger Clemens and Manny Ramirez deny their steroid use has really made my head spin. It sounds like all the politicians denying their affairs, and the high and mighty executives trying to explain why they deserve their high-bonuses.

Seems to me that the world has become a world of catch-me-if-you-can and if you don't, I'll flaunt it and if you do, I'll deny it.

A few years ago, Jake threw his Game Boy through the living room window. I was two feet from him. When the glass crashed, he turned and said, "I didn't do it."

It gets me to thinking that we've lost our moral center a bit. Few people are shamed into good behavior these days. Perhaps its all because we are fed one negative story after another, and perhaps people would also rob you blind in days past, but doesn't everyone just seem a bit more brazen these days?

Also a few years ago I was in a golf tournament where they awarded a prize for closest to the pin. The prize was a set of woods - and if you were golfing with me in those days, you know how much I needed new woods. Well, I put it within 5' of the cup, and there was just one more foursome out after me. I watched the first two guys hit it way left of the green, and all but skipped into the clubhouse, knowing I won.

They announced the prize and my name wasn't called - one of those last two guys got up and claimed it. I stood and shook his hand, saying it must have been a hell of a shot. He thanked me.

Then his partner told me that the guy who claimed the prize never even got near the green with his tee shot. "He stole those woods from you."

What do you say to that?

Anyway, it's my point. Would I turn over a bag of money if I found it? Don't know. I do know that I don't steal and deny.

I suppose that's my moral center.

In this day and age that puts me way up on the chart towards sainthood.


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