Why'd He Do That?

I recall a completely cynical conversation that I once had with my older sister.

"Don't expect anything out of anyone and you won't be disappointed," I said.

I remember that she was aghast with my summation, but I can't say that I'm wrong - watch the news and you'll shake your head at the people who shoot each other, or steal children, of embezzle money out of the school petty cash - and you'll wonder:

"Why? Why would someone do such a thing?"

In your personal life you'll be rocked to the core by someone who you expected to live the right way, doing something so horribly wrong:


Well, I suppose that it is because we spend some time projecting our own thoughts to the actions of others. Certainly, you wouldn't shoot someone so you can't fathom such a frame of mind.

You might see the petty cash sitting there in front of you, but you won't touch it - not for fear of getting caught, but for fear of finding yourself at the bottom of the morality pit.

Yet it is difficult to live your life always anticipating the worst of people. Madoff burned everyone because they were trusting. It is natural to trust those you love because you just don't expect bad behavior - but don't be surprised if the weak side of man, or woman, rears the ugly head of deception.

In other words - don't expect much - and you won't be shocked or disappointed.

How's that for an inspirational thought?


John said…
Now I need to know who.
CorLeone said…
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CorLeone said…

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