Remember that Farrah Fawcett Poster

Close your eyes, I bet you can see it. The one with the perfect body, the beautiful teeth and hair and the swimsuit that would be considered modest in this day and age.

That is how I'd like to remember her. But now, I'm being forced to reconsider my images of her.

The media, Ryan O'Neal and Farrah herself are showing us documentaries and photos of her as she dies from the cancer that she's been battling.

If this were an episode of Charlie's Angels she'd get out of this someway, but it appears not to be - and it saddens me.

Death is certainly not anything that I'm interested in these days. I couldn't bring myself to do anything more than glance at the story and turn away in pain. There were many people who loved her, and now are forced to watch.

I don't know about all of this reality-television crap. We watch people lose weight, eat bugs, pick up women, sing, dance, play game shows, and now battle a terminal illness.

What the hell are we doing?

What makes us turn our necks at a car crash and watch people suffer?

Why do we need to see people get engaged, get married, buy a new home?

Seems to me like we're doing a lot of sitting around and watching.

Not me. I'll remember Farrah as she was back then - and every time I think of her, I'll see that poster, and remember how confused it made me back when I was 12 years old.


Pat R said…
Fawcett's story is very sad. It shows the ups and downs cancer patients face, thinking they're cured or in remission only to have it come back again.

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