What Coat Do I Bring?

I checked the temperature when I got to my car yesterday morning.

39 degrees.

I was wearing a hoodie and had my high-visibility coat in the back seat.

By the time I got to the first job I glanced at the temp again.

54 degrees.

I slipped on the coat and headed out. Halfway through the inspection I knew that the hoodie had to go.

By 10:30 in the morning I noticed that the outside temperature was up to 62 degrees.

In Buffalo.

In February!!

By 2:00, I heard the news that 68 degrees set the all-time record, but there were dark clouds rolling in.

By the time I made it home there were loud thunderstorms in the area and Ollie’s game was called on account of rain.

They’re saying that Wednesday will bring 60 mph winds, a drop in temperature of about 30 degrees in an hour’s time, and the possibility of heavy snow - south of the city.

And we have a tee time scheduled for Sunday!

It’s supposed to be 64 degrees when we tee off.

I always travel with extra clothes in my vehicle because I never know what might happen during the course of a normal day.

I have hoodies, wind breakers and heavy winter clothes. I have hand warmers and extra boots. 

A guy on the site summed it up by saying:

“This global warming shit might end in my great grandkids burning to death in a solar event, but man, I’m enjoying these warmer days.”

It made me laugh.

I ditched the coat and turned on the air conditioner for the ride home.


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