My Agenda

 Of course I’m awake early on my little 4-day break from reality, but the agenda is fairly simple.

Hot tub, brunch at the club, a round of golf, a drink or two, dinner, sit around with friends I’ve known for more than 30 years, laugh and sleep.

Do the same exact thing the next day.

And the golf has been uneven, and all of our bodies seem to stiffen up a little more each day.

Tomorrow’s final round will be a challenge.

Yet, I was front and center last night as I made the pasta as I’ve done each year.

The sauce turned out great, and I was able to enjoy my favorite part of the trip when we all sat around the table…

…stuffed to the gills and laughing about glory days, sports, who missed what shot, and our aches and pains.

Tomorrow we will also throw in the Super Bowl party and then we work our way back home.

“We have a great group of friends,” Tony said. “It’s important we keep doing this as long as we can because some day.”

His voice trailed off.

“Think of how fast it’s gone,” he said. “You were in your 20’s when I met you.”


It goes by in what seems to be a blink of the eye, but there are moments that linger…

…they just sit there and beg you to hold onto them.

This is what this long weekend is all about. 

I need to do it with more of my buddies.


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