MLK Day & Snow!

I normally have two animals in the room with me. Miller sleeps curled up in the office chair, and Paris snores about a foot away from me in the bed.

So, it was a tad disconcerting when I woke up Monday morning to a few, pointed licks of my face.


Given that it was only 04:12 in the morning and that his bed is usually two levels below me, I didn’t want to get up.

“Lay down,” I tried.

And he did!

Beside Paris. He ignored the cat.

I considered that three animals was too much, but I went back to sleep for an hour. We all did!

But then, I woke up and looked out the window.


Everything was white.

It looked 🥶 

Thought about MLK Day and how OSHA will be off.

Thought about seeing the “I have a dream” clip all day. Which is fine, but not when it’s run on a ‘news’ station that tries to strip every right away from every person of color.

If you believe in policies that strip people of a chance to live a life, don’t pretend to be a friend on MLK Day.

Oliver got antsy.

He ran downstairs and I heard Sam say:

“How did you get out?”

He put Oliver back in his bed, and I laid there in the quiet for a little longer.

Thinking about snow…




…vacation in a couple of weeks…

…and going back to sleep.


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