Let’s Assess

Okay, since June 10th, I’ve been in the following states and locations:

1). Kansas
2). Missouri
3). Illinois
4). Michigan
5). Massachusetts 
6). Connecticut 
7). New Hampshire
8). Buffalo
9). Syracuse

That’s seeing a whole lot of people. If there was actual contact tracing I’d be a rough follow.

In the Midwest, it was pretty difficult to find evidence of a pandemic and that’s despite the fact that there were signs posted on all construction sites and there were hand-wash stations at each location.

The general consensus:

“What can you do? People die.”

In New York State the use of masks is more common. The sites have all the bells and whistles. Many of the people involved are taking their cues from one man in particular.

“We are doing more tests. Of course we will have more.”

When I mention that there also seem to be a lot of deaths, I get the old:

“Just old people.”

In the New England states, the news is a little better. I saw more masks. People were more cautious.

“This ain’t the flu,” is the consensus.

As for the airlines?
I give Southwest and Jet Blue high marks.

They loaded the plane properly. They kept people away from one another. Snacks were delivered quickly. People wore masks and got off the plane in an orderly manner.

Still, I heard a bit of Dr. Fauci as he testified.

His legs are cut out from underneath him.

Texas, Florida, Arizona are all in critical condition.

Sports leagues are planning on reopening and positive Covid-cases are on the rise.

We are still in phase 1.

Will there be a phase 2.


If we ever get out of phase 1.

Or we can just pretend it’s all gone.

That seems to be the plan.


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