Bottle Cap II

I was tasked to get the birthday cake. I went to BJ’s and that’s a store where it’s hard for me to get in and out without spending $300.

I was lean and mean on this trip. I grabbed the cake, a 6-pack of clams, and a new Sandford book. 

Hopped into the self-checkout and tried to scan the membership card. 

It didn’t work.

The clerk came by and entered the code and said, “Give me the old card. I’ll make a new one.”

I scanned my groceries and paid for them and then waited for her to come back with the card. She handed it to me and I put it into my wallet and then left my wallet at the register.

And I left.

We had a grand time celebrating.

On Sunday morning with just an hour to go before I had to be at the airport for a flight out (more on that tomorrow) I looked all over for my wallet.

Now, I NEVER lose things and suddenly I was down a wallet and that damn cap for my red water bottle.

You know the drill when you’re looking for something.

You search in places it can’t possibly be!

Like my golf bag. It wasn’t there. I didn’t golf after I went to the store.

I dig through the laundry.

I emptied the garbage bags, and dug through that!

Went to the car and started digging under the seats...

...and there it was...


The cap for the red water bottle!!!

Now, that wasn’t going to get me on the plane.

I entered the house and saw Kathy comfortably seated on the couch.

“I have to find my wallet!” I called out.

But she was on the phone.

“Oh, good,” I heard her say.

I was too frenzied to notice much.

“I need my identification to board the plane.”

“Your wallet is at BJ’s customer service. You left it at the register. Don’t you feel like a dopey bastard? I found your wallet without moving?

“Oh yeah?”

“Who found this?”

I held up the cap for the water bottle.

We both laughed.


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