Back At It?

Boy, there’s more traffic on the roads, right?

People mostly seem to be acclimated to the masks in the stores and moving along public sidewalks.

In fact, I don’t feel too much different. A contractor outfitted me with a scarf that I put on in the morning and just yank it up when I walk into a job or into a place of business. I’ve been wearing PPE since I was 17 years old.

It doesn’t bother me.

Yet, the following states had more new cases yesterday than when they shut it down back in March:

North Carolina
South Carolina

There have been 6,000 deaths since June 1st.

It’s the 9th.

20,000 more dead Americans this month.

“Will it come back in the fall?”

They have asked that question of Dr. Fauci. He seems confident it will.

He’s wrong.

There’s no coming back if you never left!

And here’s the thing:

We are never shutting down again.

Won’t happen.

People are bored with it.

So ‘whatevs’, as the kids say.

I came up on a guy who was running the job at one location. As I greeted him from 7’ away because he wasn’t wearing a mask, I looked around.

There were 20 guys running around.

Two were wearing masks and I was one of the two.

“Dude, you can’t do this. Where’s YOUR mask?”

Know what he said?

“It’s all whooey.”


I laughed.

“Couple of things,” I said. “One, there’s 112,000 dead. Two, you don’t comply and the company that you work for will be heavily fined, either by the state, the DOH or OSHA. Three, you’re the leader here. You don’t wear one no one will.”

He answered quickly.

“People die every day,” he said. “Why are we so concerned about it now? Also, I have a mask that is made up to look like the American flag. I’m not putting that over my nose. I have a lot of respect for the flag.”

“But not the people who live here,” I said.

“I don’t want to argue with you,” he said.

“That’s good because you’ll lose. I make a phone call to your owner and you’re probably done here. So, you want to borrow a mask that doesn’t have the flag on it?”

He took it from me without a word and put it on. I know he was swearing at me as I left and that he probably took it off as I rounded the corner.

Pissed me off.

“People die every day.”

What a tool.

God, it’s good to be back.


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