“Want A Nude Selfie?”

Years ago, my beautiful wife told me a story about a friend of hers who was going through some marital strife.

“She found a bunch of Polaroid photos of his junk. He had a collection of them that he’d pass off to girls that he was interested in.”

We had a good laugh.

“Did you see it?” I asked.

“God no!” She shrieked, but Angelina (fake name) found them and she’s pissed!”

“As she should be.”

Now, this was well before the phone craze. I must be an old dude because I find it pretty strange that someone might actually think enough of themselves to pass along such a photo...

...but it’s all the rage!

The rumor isn’t that Mueller has a nude selfie of someone in the current administration.

A lot of attractive women on Twitter send out statements every now and again because they’ve grown weary of seeing so many photos of “junk” from total strangers who are looking for a date.

I don’t know any of my buddies who would send out such a photo...

...at least I don’t think so!

“Do you need a photo of that?” I asked Kathy.

“No, I really don’t,” she said.

“Has anyone ever sent you one?”

“God no! I’d call the cops.”

Seems she’s old-fashioned as well...

...and yet...

...there are a lot of people who feel encouraged to do such a thing.

Angelina’s marriage didn’t work out.

In fact, it ended shortly after she discovered the drawer filled with polaroids.

“It’s pretty weird,” I said.

“Ya’ think?”

“I wonder if it ever worked for someone,” I said.

“I’m sure it has,” Kathy responded.

“So, you’re all set then?”

“I really am!”

I wonder who in the administration sent out the nude selfie.

I pray to God that it’s not Donald or Rudy.

I further pray that it’s not released to the public.

What the hell happened to the world?

Nude selfies...

...better than Polaroids, I guess.


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