Let Me Up. I’ve Had Enough

I get sad thinking that Tom Petty isn’t here anymore.

He had a record, “Let Me Up, I’ve Had Enough.”

Kept thinking that as I listened to the news reports.

Trump was locked in his bedroom all day yesterday.

I guess he came out today because he said that he didn’t know anything about Cohen paying off his women, and that it’s not a crime anyway. His defense being that he hired Cohen to be a lawyer and didn’t pay attention.

Then an hour later he said that Cohen was a lightweight who didn’t do much for him outside of PR work.

Then he said that Flynn didn’t lie and the FBI is giving him a deal because they know he didn’t lie.

He fired Flynn...

...for lying to the FBI.

Then news broke about the Russian spy pleading guilty for conspiring with the NRA and the Republicans.

Then it was announced that they are investigating stolen money during the inauguration.

If he wasn’t president he’d already be facing felony charges.

It’s going to get worse.

So, he locked himself in his bedroom.

Nixon famously said, “I’m not a crook.” He less famously said, “I will not be impeached.”

Both of those things were proven false...

...and it ended for him when the GOP finally figured out that they were saddled to a dead horse.

It’s what will happen here.

The only question is when.

Will the great negotiator cut a deal?

Search for a pardon?

Who will issue the pardon if they are all part of it?


He was in charge of the transition and the inauguration that is now being investigated. He was absolutely comatose in the meeting between Chuck & Nancy as Trump was fed his lunch.

I envy the people who don’t pay attention at all.

Like my beautiful wife.

“He’s a f****ng Idiot,” is all she ever says. “Wake me up when it’s over.”

The rest of us are left with Tom Petty.

“Let me up. I’ve had enough.”

More fun tomorrow!

And for the first time:

I told you so.


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