Individual #1

Despite the fact that he proclaimed himself innocent immediately after the news broke on the Cohen & Manafort sentencing statements...

...the so-called president has been implicated in a couple of felonies.

It’s just the tip of the iceberg.

He couldn’t be acting anymore guilty. His twitter feed reads like the frenzied rantings of a petulant child.

I was driving a long way when the news broke.

The talking heads were breaking down the fairly apparent connections between the campaign and Russia.

Manafort is in jail. Cohen is going too. Flynn is guilty and cooperating.

And on and on and on.

It made me really sad.

I actually said this out loud to the inside of my car:

“The president of the United States has committed campaign finance crimes, most likely conspired with the country that ran interference with our election. He not only did not stop it. He helped them do it. Then they all lied.”

Just saying it made me angry.

How could it not????

I thought some more about it because the Manafort sentencing spoke of how he was supposedly communicating with the Oval Office in 2017 and 2018.

Lie after lie after lie after lie.

They all need to pay.

Ryan, Huckabee-Sanders, Conway, Pence, McConnell, Hatch, Dershowitz, Santorum, Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Graham, Kelly, Ivanka, Junior.

They all knew!

They all lied.

They blamed the media, the justice department, the Mexicans, Mueller, McCain, the Bush Family, Obama...

...anyone they could think of..,

...except Putin!

How does that not piss off every American????

They enriched themselves.

Lied, cheated, and lied some more.

And if you think that it’s all a conspiracy against a fair, honorable, trustworthy, man of God...

...well, God help you.

Because it makes zero sense.

Indict, impeach, imprison Individual #1 and all the criminals who tried to lie for him because they were enriching themselves.

This is America!

We going to let them sell it?

To Putin???

And Saudi Arabia?

Come on, now.

Stop it today!


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