Alleged Victim

The Patrick Kane story has taken a few Law & Order type twists this week.

And much like that stupid show featuring Munch, Olivia and Elliot...

...I'm losing interest.

For those who have already tuned out.

Kane was out drinking and he invited some girls back to his mansion because he is such a star for flipping rubber into a net.

If you hear his fans talking the girl was looking for a payday so she feigned a rape.

If you listen to the alleged victim's mother...

...I don't know what the hell you get when you do that.

The alleged victim's lawyer quit because the mother evidently played some sort of games with an evidence bag. Then news broke that Kane's DNA wasn't anywhere near the victim and all kinds of shit hit the fan on social media.

The alleged victim is a 'gold-digging whore' is about the extent of it.

The sad part about all of it is that the alleged victim, her dopey mother and the bumbling lawyers have done a huge disservice to what happens to a whole bunch of women every weekend.

Screaming 'Rape' is a terrible thing to do to's right there just below...I don't know...actually raping someone.

The athlete or rock star-groupie situation is a sad thing.

It truly is...for all involved.

Now I'm no star struck guy anymore. I don't get flummoxed by any athlete. I probably shouldn't, I'm a grown man...but kids still look up to these people and so Kane has certainly suffered quite a bit due to these allegations.

Of course, if he actually did it...he should suffer a whole lot more.

A few years back I ran into a bunch of the Sabres players as they left practice at Buffalo State. I spoke with a couple of them as they loaded their bags onto the bus and when I returned home I told the boys all about it.

"Why didn't you get their picture?"

"Did you ask them for an autograph?"

I told the boys that those 'toothless freaks' should've been asking for my autograph.

And I suppose that if we are to eventually do away with the alleged victim situation the rest of the world is going to stop fawning over flawed humans who happen to have won the genetic lottery and are able to entertain us in sport.

As for the mother in this story...

...what the hell is wrong with you?

How can you treat your daughter in such a manner?

An elaborate hoax?

There are way too many victims here, I suppose, and eventually the story will just go away...

...but some day there will be a real victim screaming for justice...

...and maybe no one will listen.


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