My First Visit to Maine

My work career has taken me to a lot of different places.

Some have been very interesting.

I knew two things about the State of Maine:

Lobster and Stephen King.

Not necessarily in that order.

I was stricken with the beauty of the place.

Everything is green.

"Watch for Moose in the Road"

Made me a little nervous.

Then I passed the sign for Kennebunkport and I got a bit of a tickle in my mind.

The place was famous for something, right?

I thought of the Kennedy family and figured that wasn't it...they were also New England folks, but that was Massachusetts, right?

I passed the place but made a note to stop there on the way back.

I was a mile from the exit when I remembered:

The Bush Family has a summer place there!

I stopped anyway.

I chowed down my lobster roll, looking over my shoulder, hoping that W. didn't walk up.

Then I headed towards the ocean, following the signs.

It's a short's a small, wealthy town.

The beach wasn't great, but I breathed in the air for a moment.

A beautiful day.

Some really big homes.

I read up a little on the Goggle about the town.

It's really small.

But I left having seen it.

I know why someone would get a place up there.

Maine is beautiful.

Moose or not.

I wish I'd found Stephen King lurking around, but hey...I might get back there.


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