Cecil the Lion

People all over the world are up in arms over this photo.


A rich douche goes on a trophy hunting trip and then kills a majestic beast.

We've seen this play out before.

Right down to the shitty smile and the ensuing death threats.

We have learned the names of the dentist, Walter Palmer, who killed Cecil the Lion with a bow and arrow.

Walter Palmer is a straight-up killer.

He's not a hunter.

He's not a he-man or a great shot.

What he is, is the most-hated man around the world right now, because everyone is extremely up in arms with that pose.

People hate his smile and people hate the death on the face of a lion.

Here we go:

I'm not a hunter and I just don't understand it.

I get the fact that there are folks who hunt deer and then eat what they kill. I understand that those who love hunting treat it as I treat golf. It's a relaxing thing. It's supposedly a difficult thing to do and those who do it well are really proud of their efforts.

That's all fine with me.

This guy, however, I just don't get at all.

These are the supposed acts of a hunt like that:

1). The guy pays a fortune.

2). The hunt isn't really a hunt...the animals are doped up worse than a Bill Cosby victim.

3). The "hunter" is then placed five feet in front of the animal.

4). Murder ensues.

As for the rage?

I was sickened when I saw the photo. Absolutely sickened. I can't even look at it for too long.

I'm not alone.

People just can't handle the slaughter of animals. Watch a movie some time...the bad guy can kill 75 people and no one blinks an eye, but if a horse appears...

...and gets killed.

The movie is ruined.

We can't handle the death of animals who aren't supposed to die in such fashion.

Truthfully though...is there anyone out there on this guy's side?

Cause I'd really like to hear the reason why this photo is awesome.

Absolutely sickens me.


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