The Manhunt

The two men who escaped from prison were spotted all over the state, evidently.

The truth of the matter is that they probably haven't traveled very far, but man, if you read the social media sites you'd come up with a whole bunch of information.

1). The Cops Suck.

This is a really hot subject. There are people out there who really hate the police. From the incompetent morons who allowed the escape to the bumbling idiots who are policing the state...if you read the social media's just one miscalculation after another.

The cops just don't have a clue, and the guy who is typing the message would have grabbed the escapees in about three minutes.

The other bash-the-cops topic includes the overtime they're getting and someone ALWAYS jumps in and says Cuomo or Obama are to blame!

2). The State is Just Trying to Gather Information for Future Use.

I'm not of the opinion that someday the government is coming after me.

I don't think that they are gathering information in the ruse of escaped prisoners to see if I'm harboring guns or growing pot.

Some people think that this is exactly what is happening.

The cops were going door-to-door to warn people in Friendship, New York and they were most likely looking around to make sure that someone wasn't being held against their will...

...but man!

There are a lot of angry people out there:

"If they try to get onto my property without a warrant, I'm's that simple."


3). Those Murderers Better Not Come Near Me Or They'll Be Sorry!

There are a ton of tough guys out there. I saw photos of guys with their guns...

"Locked and loaded!" guy wrote.


I'm all for defending oneself, but there's a tickle in the back of my mind that says that perhaps the lone wolf may get a little frightened if the two killers showed up.

And yet:

4). There Are People Still Pulling for the Criminals!

I'm not kidding...and I don't understand it...but there are people who are hoping that the escapees evade the police forever.

"There (they never get they're right) down in Mexico, you dumb bastards! You won't ever see them again!!"


I'm rooting for the cops.

I would let them do whatever they needed to do if they thought the guys were hiding in the ravine behind my house. I really wouldn't worry about my rights being infringed upon.

These two men will kill at first sight.

I'm not a tough guy.

I don't want to ever be interviewed as part of a manhunt and I certainly don't want to be in a body bag at a crime scene.

Stay out of the way.

Let the cops get 'em.

I didn't offer that as an opinion on the social media sites.

Can you imagine?

What a wimp I am.


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