D.B. of the Week - Confederate Flag Fighter

I am not in the South.

I don't know the significance of the confederate flag.

I mean...I know what people are saying...but I don't feel anything one way or another.

So I should probably keep my mouth shut, right?


I think everyone talking about it, debating it, spewing hate over it, crying over it...

...are the D.B's of the Week.

But don't get this wrong, the debate is raging.

Wal-Mart and Amazon won't sell them anymore.

South Carolina is no longer going to fly it at the capital building.

But the fight isn't over!

They're taking our rights away!

Here's the thing:

I don't get pissed off when American people burn the American flag.

(Now I have you yelling, right?)

You know why?

Because Americans through the years have fought for the freedom to protest; to burn the flag.

I don't particularly like it, mind you...but I like that those dimwits have the right to protest.

Got it?

I think it's stupid to burn a flag...I do get pissed...but...


Back to the confederate flag.

Are people flying it high as a form of racism?


Isn't it a symbol of a war that they lost?

One guy on talk radio said that the flag should be left alone because it was featured on the General Lee.


Listen...the kid who busted into that church was monumentally ill.

People want to do something to make some noise.

Will it stop the next racist if the flag is no longer flying over the capital building?

Of course not.

My opinion?

Not a chance.

I'm not falling for that...

...I named everyone a D.B. of the Week for taking a side.

I'm not including myself.

I have plenty of other D.B. qualities.


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