Catching Up

Man...I still miss seeing Gandolfini act.

What would make you help two murderers out of their cells?

That woman who assisted in the breakout doesn't strike me as a Rhodes Scholar. Not only did she help them...she then had a change of heart and spilled the beans about all that she did.

It's also amazing that they eluded capture so long...I've been up to that neck of the woods...there are plenty of miles to hide out. If they hurt someone before they're captured that dipshit woman is really going to spend some time in a small cell.

You hear some crazy stories, but there's always another crazier one...

...have you seen the woman who is accused of pretending that she's a black woman? The photos are astounding. She allegedly lived most of her life as a white person, became enamored of black culture, and changed herself into a black woman politician who was a champion for blacks in her community.

Crazy old world.

Jeb Bush versus Hillary Clinton for president?


Can't we do better than that?

How about this... more Bushes and no more Clinton's.

There have to be other families out there.

I'm tired of their families being in the news.

Why is this the match-up?


Have you seen Jurassic Park II or whatever it's called?

Zero interest here...not sure I saw the first one.

I'm waiting on Ted 2...

...Seth McFarland makes me laugh at least five times a week.

This week is Father's Day Weekend...

...funny thing...

I already kind of celebrated it.

You see, my beautiful wife decided that it was yesterday...

...she kept saying it.

"Are you going golfing for Father's Day?" she asked.

So I set it up.

(I soundly whipped one of the Grape Apes...we put on a chipping and putting show!)

On Friday during the week while at a job I told a guy on the site, 'Happy Father's Day.'

He looked at me as if there was something wrong with me.

Then I repeated the chant on Saturday when my father-in-law stopped by.

"Happy Father's Day," I said.

"Little early, aren't you?" He asked.

"It's tomorrow," I said.

"No it isn't, you goofy bastard," he said.

Then my wife laughed.

"I was wrong," she said. "It's next week!"

So I had to change the blog for yesterday morning.


Happy Father's Day anyway... I'm only 6 days early.


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